How Athlete Skills Payoff in Real Life

If your volleyball career ended tomorrow what skills would you take away? As handy as pancakes and jump back setting is on the volleyball court, chances are you will not spend the rest of your adult life playing volleyball.  So, what other skills are you developing as an athlete? These are the abilities I’m talking about today.  These are the big picture skills.

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The Importance of the Libero

However you pronounce it, the libero is beginning to make waves and whether that is due to more specific training coming up from the amateur level or because the blockers are getting taller, the world is taking notice. Looking into questions like how are liberos being recognized, the importance of the libero, and how you can become a stronger libero...

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Stocking Stuffers for Volleyballers (that don't break the bank)

Stress during the holidays.  It is such a common problem there are numerous articles and Pinterest posts about the condition and I understand.  I wish I could say it is an crazy problem but there is some basis for trying to balance finances while trying to show someone how much you care for them (without overdoing it). 

In my family, we figured out a few Christmases ago that our goal was to give and receive gifts that were useful.  This might seem like a duh moment, but in truth, this meant trading in surprises and numerous slightly-useful material gifts for things that we knew we were going to use or a gift card for a store we spend a lot of time i...

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