You have probably enjoyed apples your whole life, but never realized the “Eat an Apple a Day to Keep the Doctor Away” expression was for real! Apples are a rich source of various nutrients that are found in the skin, core, and meat of the apple.. all of these chemicals provide amazing health benefits & here are just a few: Vitamin C - a powerful natural antioxidant, B-complex vitamins (riboflavin, thiamin, and vitamin B-6)...
Read MoreThe Importance of the Libero
However you pronounce it, the libero is beginning to make waves and whether that is due to more specific training coming up from the amateur level or because the blockers are getting taller, the world is taking notice. Looking into questions like how are liberos being recognized, the importance of the libero, and how you can become a stronger libero...
Read MoreSecret Food Series - Cinnamon (3 of 10)
You have probably enjoyed cinnamon your whole life, but never realized its historical importance or the health benefits of this tasty spice!
Cinnamon is the brownish-reddish inner bark of the cinnamon tree. Cinnamon farmers first shave the outer bark off the trees, and then shave the inner bark, the cinnamon layer. When the cinnamon is dried it naturally curls up into “quills”
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